Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Have you ever wondered why God seems silent or distant at times?

Have you ever found yourself in a place of wondering why certain things don't happen or why they happen certain ways?  What about wondering why it seems that God is silent or seems to not hear your plea?

I have recently been finding myself asking God a lot of whys.  Why is it that when I pray, nothing seems to happen?  Why is it that even though You promised signs and wonders would follow us, they don't?  Why is it that I have been praying for certain things for a long time and there is no answer, while other people I know get answers to the same request?  Why is it that I ask to hear from You in a very real way, that I seem to hear nothing?  Why do I seem to be deaf in my spirit?  Why do miracles happen for others but not for me?  Is there something wrong with me or am I asking with wrong motives?  I don't think I am, but if I am PLEASE let me know so I can change that.  Why is it that others seem to be getting their socks blessed off and mine stay on?

Have you ever wondered these things?  I know I have and it can be very frustrating.  While I know that God is working, and hears, my logical mind tells me nothing is happening.  While it seems  God is deaf, I know He is not.

These battles between my spirit and my emotions are very real.  It makes it difficult at times to believe in what God is doing.  At times I cannot look at the present alone.  I have to look back and then I can see that God really IS hearing, really IS working.  It is for this reason that David and others often retold the stories of God doing incredible things in the past.  We see it all through the Old and New Testament's.  God does hear us and He does move, just not in the time frame we think He should work.  While in the moment, it does not seem to help and our emotions run wild, God has a plan and is in control.  God can turn things around in a moment.  For example,  In Genesis, Joseph knew what God was speaking to him when he was young, but then circumstances seemed to turn an him and I am sure, even though the Bible never tells us, that he wondered what God was doing, and why things kept getting worse and worse.  But we have one advantage Joseph did not.  We can read the end of the story and know what happens. Joseph did not have hat advantage.  I am sure he thought many times that things were starting to turn around, and then suddenly his situation got worse.  But when he least expected it, in less than 5 minutes, God turned everything around and he went from the dungeon to the being the Prime Minister of the most powerful nation in the world.  It was then that Joseph was able to say "You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people."  (Genesis 50:20, NLT). 

We have to remember that God intends all He allows to come our way, even the times it seems He is silent and or has forgotten us; He has a plan and is in control.  In the moment, it does not make it any easier, but there is a reason for all God allows and does.  Often, in the end it is not just for our good, but to save others through the story of our struggles.  I know it is easier said than done, but if you are finding yourself in this place, tray and focus on the fact that God has a bigger purpose for your situation that what you can see, and it is to save others and to bring more glory and honor to His name.