Sunday, March 29, 2015

Not a Loser

One night this past week, I had a dream and in it I was at a church service and there was someone talking to all the losers in the crowd.  They were asked to come up and confess to everyone how big of a loser they were.  I was one of those that was told to confess my loser status to this huge crowd.

After I woke up, I knew that no respectable preacher would do such a thing, and realized that dreams are not just God given but can come from the pit of hell.  On the surface it appeared as if it was from God, since after all it was taking place in a church service.  But most importantly, I knew that I am not a loser and the voice that tells me that I am is not from God and I too often agree with it.  But if we look at what God says about us, we will realize we are not losers.

1) Genesis 1: 26-27 says "Then God said, "Let us make people in our image, to be like ourselves. They will be masters over all life-- the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the livestock, wild animals, and small animals."  So God created people in his own image; God patterned them after himself; male and female he created them."  These verses tells us that we are created after the image of God.  So if we are truly losers, then God is too.  But we know that He is not a loser, so therefore, we are not losers either.  We may not understand what is happening to us at the moment or why we are experiencing at the moment (or for what seems like a LONG time), but we are not losers.

2) Revelation 4:11 "You are worthy, O Lord our God, to receive glory and honor and power. For you created everything, and it is for your pleasure that they exist and were created."  God begins His word by declaring we are made in His image and ends it by saying we are created for His pleasure.  The God of all the Universe, who breathes stars and created incredible galaxies, created us for His pleasure.  The God who uses Gold as paving, is not pleasuring over garbage or junk, He only pleasures over the best.  When we see people that are not very desirable to us or we consider as the bottom dregs of society, think about this.  They are not garbage, they are not losers. they are made in God's image and for His pleasure, just as you are.

3) Ephesians2:10 "For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."  So what is a masterpiece?  It is defined as "a work done with extraordinary skill;
a work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmanship,
an artist's or craftsman's best piece of work."  If we go with this definition, we see that God is the maker/artist and we are the masterpiece.  We are made with extraordinary skill, we are His best piece of work.  We may not feel like it, but we are.  A masterpiece has to be painted or chiseled, or made by whatever means and material the artist chooses, and that is God's choice, not ours.  We are His crowning piece of work.  We may not feel like it, but a masterpiece also never looks like a magnificent piece of art while the artist is still working on it.


If we compare ourselves to others, especially those we feel are what we want to be like or wish we were like, then we start feeling and believing the lie that we are less than a masterpiece, a loser.  But we are not.  We are exactly the way we are because the Great Craftsman has made us in His image, for His pleasure, and made to be a masterpiece.  So the next time you feel like telling yourself you are a loser, remember these three verses.  If you remember them, let them encourage you and help you to believe that you are NOT a loser, no matter what the enemy tries to convince you or what society or even your own perceptions try to convince you of.  God made you just the way you are for a reason and loves you with His whole being (which is quite big) and wants you to become all He has for you and most importantly, a masterpiece made in His image and for His pleasure.  In other words, YOU ARE NOT A LOSER!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Don't Let The Rabbits Distract You

Recently while working at the animal shelter, I learned a lesson that could have major implications and be of major help to many.  It was a cloudy cool morning and threatening rain.  The atmosphere had a feel of something pending, like the calm before the storm.  As I was making the morning rounds, one of the dogs started barking incessantly, and as a result all the others joined in.  Most were running around barking and looking about as if to say “What are we barking at?”  All that I did would not calm and quiet the dogs down (which is usually fairly easy to do).  I soon got distracted by all the barking and so forgot to clip the latch on one particular dog.  This dog happens to be able to flip the latch if not clipped and before long, she was running around, creating even more chaos.  My heart sank as I saw my boss come out and grab the escapee.   After she was home again, the barking continued, and neither I nor my boss could calm them for long.

As I was finishing up the rounds, I was in one particular dogs kennel and noticed a small rabbit hopping around out by the front gate.  This dog also happened to be a hunting dog and had a direct line of sight to the front gate.  It was this dog that had started the morning chaos, and caused me to be momentarily distracted.  If the escapee had gotten in with the neighbor’s dog, chances are a fight would have ensued.  I started thinking that all this happened because of one small, cute, innocent rabbit.  It caused mas chaos and much confusion among the dogs, as well as frustration and distraction on my part.  All came out okay, but could have turned out very badly all because of a little rabbit.

 Often times, we encounter circumstances that create chaos and distraction from our walk and relationship with Jesus Christ, and sometimes they are just an annoyance, other times, they lead to more distractions, and other times, lead to a major life and/or spiritual altering event.  Sometimes if we are not careful, it’s the small things that can ruin our lives.  It’s the small things that can cause us to lose focus momentarily and can create a major catastrophe, whether physical or spiritual. In Luke 10:38-42 we find this story:  “As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him.   She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he said.  But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, "Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!"  "Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."  Martha became distracted by the rabbits of working, which produced an attitude problem with her sister Mary, and with Jesus.  She became grumpy and frustrated by the preparations and creating fertile ground for sin.  She had let the rabbit of preparation distract her from the opportunity at hand.  What she was doing was necessary, but she allowed distraction to take her attitude and spirit in a bad direction.  Mary on the other hand, was taking the opportunity to sit at Jesus feet, even though she knew preparations needed to be made.  Mary had not let the rabbit get the best of her and she kept her focus on the important thing.

 We all have the potential to be distracted and not take the opportunity to sit at Jesus feet and just listen and know that there will be time for the other things.  By doing this, we can keep ourselves from a sinful attitude.  While many things may look important, sometimes the rabbit distracts us and we are focused on the wrong thing.  Mary was listening to the voice of her Master, but Martha allowed anger and bad attitude become her voice she was listening to.  So, the lesson learned is to not let the rabbit distract you into not focusing on what is most important at the moment.  Hebrews 12:1 and 2 gives us some great advice for how to handle those rabbits of sin and bad attitude: “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily hinders our progress. And let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us.  We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from start to finish.” 


Father, I pray for the reader that they will learn to recognize the rabbits that distract them and to learn to fix their eyes on Jesus.  Help them to see what is important and most needful in order to steer clear of sin and its devastating consequences.  I not only pray form the reader, but myself as well.  Help us to all to fix our eyes on you in order to not be distracted by the rabbits.


Recently I started to volunteer and work at an animal sanctuary.  The manager asked me to do morning clean up with the dogs which consists of removing food bowls from the night before, cleaning the pen from waste, toys beyond their prime, and refill the water.  Lots of detail, and many different breeds of dogs, some small, some very large.  One of the first things I noticed was the difference in how they reacted to me.  Some were ready to jump right in my lap, and others had to warm up, and others only want their morning snack.  As I got to know the dogs, I started to get to know their stories and how they came to be at the shelter.  What amazed me, is that you could not tell by looking at them which ones where abused and which were not.  They all looked healthy and ready for the day.  Some were outgoing, others where shy, or skittish.  The more I got to know them; it was difficult to tell if how they reacted to new people was because of personality, due to abuse, or due to age.  Some of the most abused dogs where actually the quickest to warm up to me.  Others were slow to allow me to even pet them or get near because of personality, and others depended on their day. 

 This reminded me of the people we come in contact with every day.  Some are quick to speak to us and are ready for any attention and love we give them; others are not whether from past experiences or their day they are having.  We cannot tell if they have suffered abuse or not.  We often get upset with people the way they interact or don’t interact with us, and maybe even wonder if it is us.  Many people are shy by nature and others because of abuse and bad experiences.  Others are naturally angry or are having a bad day.  Most of the time when we deal with others, it is not because of us they are slow to get to know or angry, or ready to receive our love and attention.  Don’t assume someone is having a rough day or are just an angry or shy person.  It may be personality, maybe due to their past, or their health.  Some need rescuing from their pain or abuse, but we can be the light of their day and help them find the rescue that only Jesus can provide for them. 

 I, for one, have realized that people are like these dogs and we cannot tell what they have or have not experienced in their life.  I will work hard to accept people the way they are and get to know them, despite of a rocky start or a great start.  I would like to encourage you to consider the people you interact with daily as well.  Do you get upset with people because they don’t respond the way you want them to? Or do you love them in spite of themselves?  If we follow the command of Jesus James wrote about in James 2:8 “Yes indeed, it is good when you truly obey our Lord's royal command found in the Scriptures: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”, then we will discover that people are often hurt by life and need to be loved.  It may be difficult to do this, but if we ask the Holy Spirit to help us in our need (Hebrews 4:16 Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.) we will come to learn how to love others despite their past or present circumstances or even their personality.  Have patience and show love despite what your emotions want to show others.  You just might be the one that provides the needed resources for them to be rescued from the pit they are in.