Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Something is Coming

Last night I had a dream that started out bad.  I won't give the details but just know it was bad.  I remember saying in the dream that I would not accept this.  The dream immediately changed and I knew someone or something was after me.  It was a very crowded city or a multistory shopping center.  I remember running around trying to stay one step ahead of whatever it was.  I became this Super Hero ninja all-knowing mind reader shape shifting wall climbing able to become invisible if needed kind of character.  At one point I walked into a room where people where in a class of sorts and where asked a question.  I didn't hear the question but heard the teacher ask the class what the answer was and even though I was just passing through I was able to give the answer much to the amazement of everyone there.  It went on for what seemed like forever, but I was constantly hiding, shifting, knowing what to do, where to go to get away from whatever it was that was coming. 

After I woke up, I wondered about the dream and could not shake it.  Then in my minds eye I could see a curtain or veil with something behind it coming slowly towards me.  While I was never able to see what it was I had a distinct feeling of danger, but at the same time a feeling of God opportunities arising because of whatever it was.  I felt that God was not just allowing this but using it to further His kingdom.  I prayed for clarity and to know what to do with it and what it was behind the curtain.  I never was able to see behind it but kept feeling and seeing the word "EXPLOSION!" It carried a sense of something in the natural and also the spiritual.  It also seemed that what ever this was had the potential to bring fear and deception at an alarming level.  I then saw a picture of Lot and his family Fleeing the valley of Sodom and Gomorrah.  They knew destruction was coming and was lead out by 2 angels.  They hurried them forward and urged them to look tot he mountains to where they were fleeing.  But Lot's wife became scared and so became deceived that it would be OK to look back and see what she was losing in family, her house, friends, her community.  As a result she lost, not only what was behind her, but her own life.

I knew that what was coming was just as big (with the feel of at least a nationwide event or possibly world wide event) as the one Lot and his family escaped from.  But some who say they are followers of Jesus will lose focus on Him and become afraid and so become deceived like lots wife.  Others will go along escape the calamity because of the ones they are following, and still others because they have their focus and attention on the destination, that being Jesus.  Those that make it through the coming event will be supernaturally taken care of in all ways (physical, finances, spiritually, etc.)  This will cause others to become angry and fearful at the same time, but others it will draw them into the kingdom.  Others will try to bring fear onto the overcomers and deceive them into believing the fear and the events as terrible. 

Whatever is coming, is on opportunity to focus on God, on Jesus, and the Holy Spirit while not allowing our focus to turn to the events and the hatred, fear, and deception going on around them.  I

I want to urge all readers to be sure their focus is on the King of the Universe and not on the circumstances around them.  God knows what it coming and most importantly He wants to know us and for us to know Him.  The best way to do that is to spend time with Him, and to rest in His promises and let His Word become our foundation.  We can not afford to allow the circumstances that are trying to bring fear, hatred, and deception, to separate us from the One who can keep us in the palm of His hand. 

Be focused and be in love with the one is able to keep you and protect you.  You can never lose if you are able to do that.