Friday, August 14, 2015

Touched by an Angel

A few years ago, some friends of ours had moved and put some things in storage.  They had asked us to bring what was still in storage to them. We rented a U-Haul trailer and loaded it up as well as the bed of the Toyota Tundra.  It was on a long weekend and we left our house in the early evening to head out.  As we took the exit onto the freeway, I felt like something was wrong with the trailer, but I just chalked it up to being inexperienced in pulling a trailer.  We started to get up to speed.  Before we reached 'cruising speed' the trailer began to fishtail.  I did everything I knew to do and had heard I should do in a moment like this.  Nothing worked. It just got worse.  It was then that we knew we were going to roll.  My daughter was in the backseat with a large T.V. sitting beside her.  My wife started crying out the Name of Jesus because she knew of nothing else to do.  When the rolling stopped, we were facing the opposite way on our wheels, and the hood was up on the motor.  My daughter was crying in the back and my wife could not find her glasses or cell phone.  I was stunned.  We then tried to get out and the doors wouldn't budge.  We tried again and nothing happened.  We both gave up.  It was soon after that the doors suddenly sprung open on their own, without our touching them. We got out and realized the copper on the back of the truck was smashed and the trailer had rolled up the highway a little more and rolled off the road.  No one as around us so on one else was involved in the accident.  Coming right behind us was a lady who had learned first responder techniques from her EMT daughter and was helping us.  My daughter was bleeding from somewhere but we didn't know from where. The T.V. sitting beside m daughter had had a pillow on top of it so she could get it if she wanted it.  The pillow was now UNDER the T.V. and looked as if it had not moved.  (The way we rolled, it should have crushed her.)  It was a frightful sight with boxes and papers and

Soon after this a man in jeans, red shirt and baseball cap showed up and said he was an EMT and could help.  He didn't have his equipment but helped my wife with my daughter as I called 911, who was quite surprised that I was calling them after being involved in a roll over accident going approximately 60 mph.  Soon after  I made the call a police officer showed up that had happened to see the accident.  He started directing traffic and helping to organize people to help clear the debris off the road.  We were less than 5 minutes from our house. My father in law immediately drove to the scene and did what he could do too, as well as some friends who lived close tot he scene.  The man in the red shirt seemed to stick close to me and my family as we did what we needed to do.  An ambulance came and took my wife and daughter to the hospital so they could be checked out while I stayed with the truck.  Finally the man in red told me I should go to the hospital with my family but he wanted to check me out first.  He had borrowed a First responder kit from the firetruck that was there and did what needed to be done.  I was fine so he let my father in law take me to the hospital while our friends stayed to finish what needed to be done at the scene.  By this time it was dark and the police had blocked all traffic going north so the scene could be cleared.  The man in red said that now that I was on the way to the hospital, he could leave.  He took the first responder kit back to the fire crew, and walked past him.  After analyzing what had happened, we realized that was no other vehicles sitting along the road helping other than first responders.  No one saw him get into a vehicle or even lights of a vehicle turn on.  He just seemed to disappear into the darkness.  After thinking about the events of the accident, we realized that the hand of God was on us in an incredible way, and that an angel must have been there with us (the man in the red shirt).   Even though I had taken pictures of the scene, the pictures with him in them never showed his face.  He always seemed to looking away. Whether he was an angel or a person,  doesn't matter, he was sent by God and the ONLY explanation to him being there and then disappearing into the night was that he was an angel sent from God to comfort and aid us in our time of need.

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