Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Something is Coming

Last night I had a dream that started out bad.  I won't give the details but just know it was bad.  I remember saying in the dream that I would not accept this.  The dream immediately changed and I knew someone or something was after me.  It was a very crowded city or a multistory shopping center.  I remember running around trying to stay one step ahead of whatever it was.  I became this Super Hero ninja all-knowing mind reader shape shifting wall climbing able to become invisible if needed kind of character.  At one point I walked into a room where people where in a class of sorts and where asked a question.  I didn't hear the question but heard the teacher ask the class what the answer was and even though I was just passing through I was able to give the answer much to the amazement of everyone there.  It went on for what seemed like forever, but I was constantly hiding, shifting, knowing what to do, where to go to get away from whatever it was that was coming. 

After I woke up, I wondered about the dream and could not shake it.  Then in my minds eye I could see a curtain or veil with something behind it coming slowly towards me.  While I was never able to see what it was I had a distinct feeling of danger, but at the same time a feeling of God opportunities arising because of whatever it was.  I felt that God was not just allowing this but using it to further His kingdom.  I prayed for clarity and to know what to do with it and what it was behind the curtain.  I never was able to see behind it but kept feeling and seeing the word "EXPLOSION!" It carried a sense of something in the natural and also the spiritual.  It also seemed that what ever this was had the potential to bring fear and deception at an alarming level.  I then saw a picture of Lot and his family Fleeing the valley of Sodom and Gomorrah.  They knew destruction was coming and was lead out by 2 angels.  They hurried them forward and urged them to look tot he mountains to where they were fleeing.  But Lot's wife became scared and so became deceived that it would be OK to look back and see what she was losing in family, her house, friends, her community.  As a result she lost, not only what was behind her, but her own life.

I knew that what was coming was just as big (with the feel of at least a nationwide event or possibly world wide event) as the one Lot and his family escaped from.  But some who say they are followers of Jesus will lose focus on Him and become afraid and so become deceived like lots wife.  Others will go along escape the calamity because of the ones they are following, and still others because they have their focus and attention on the destination, that being Jesus.  Those that make it through the coming event will be supernaturally taken care of in all ways (physical, finances, spiritually, etc.)  This will cause others to become angry and fearful at the same time, but others it will draw them into the kingdom.  Others will try to bring fear onto the overcomers and deceive them into believing the fear and the events as terrible. 

Whatever is coming, is on opportunity to focus on God, on Jesus, and the Holy Spirit while not allowing our focus to turn to the events and the hatred, fear, and deception going on around them.  I

I want to urge all readers to be sure their focus is on the King of the Universe and not on the circumstances around them.  God knows what it coming and most importantly He wants to know us and for us to know Him.  The best way to do that is to spend time with Him, and to rest in His promises and let His Word become our foundation.  We can not afford to allow the circumstances that are trying to bring fear, hatred, and deception, to separate us from the One who can keep us in the palm of His hand. 

Be focused and be in love with the one is able to keep you and protect you.  You can never lose if you are able to do that.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Speak to Your Mountain

I have read the Bible many times and it seems every time I read it, its like a new book. This is proof that it is alive and active.  Sometimes we can read something for years, hear preaching on it and incorporate it into our belief system only later to discover it may not be as true as we thought.  For example, I was taught growing up that if I wanted to pray for someone's sickness or problem they are facing or even my own, I should pray and ask God to heal or intervene or change the circumstances.  While this is not against the teachings of Scripture, there is also another principle that Jesus introduced.  It goes against much of what we believe and/or practice, but If it is in red letters, then it must be true since Jesus only said and did what He heard His Father say and do.  In Mark 11 we see the following story: 

The next day as they were leaving Bethany, Jesus was hungry. Seeing in the distance a fig tree in leaf, he went to find out if it had any fruit. When he reached it, he found nothing but leaves, because it was not the season for figs. Then he said to the tree, "May no one ever eat fruit from you again." And his disciples heard him say it.... When evening came, they went out of the city. In the morning, as they went along, they saw the fig tree withered from the roots. Peter remembered and said to Jesus, "Rabbi, look! The fig tree you cursed has withered!" "Have faith in God," Jesus answered. "I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. (Mark 11:12-14, 19-24)
Jesus tells his disciples that if ANYONE speaks tot heir mountain, AND you have FAITH and do not doubt, it WILL be thrown into the sea.  Notice it says anyone.  It doesn't say "If Pastors" or "If those who have known and follow me for X number of years,"  it says everyone which means ALL OF US. 

When we look at this passage, we might say to ourselves "Yeah, that was Jesus and He was speaking to his disciples.  It never happened any other time.  This was a one time case."  But if we examine scripture carefully, we see not only Jesus but others speaking to a situation and not just praying for God to intervene.  I want to be clear that I am not saying that asking God to intervene is wrong or that we shouldn't do it, but I am saying that that is not the only way.  Now I will show you other examples found through out scriptures that show this was not a one time event.

After leaving the synagogue that day, Jesus went to Simon's home, where he found Simon's mother-in-law very sick with a high fever. "Please heal her," everyone begged.  Standing at her bedside, he spoke to the fever, rebuking it, and immediately her temperature returned to normal. She got up at once and prepared a meal for them. (Luke 4:38-39)
This is Peter and his mother-in-law.  Jesus SPOKE tot he fever and it left. It didn't leave slowly, but left immediately.  And not only did it leave, she was in perfect health immediately.

But soon a fierce storm arose. High waves began to break into the boat until it was nearly full of water. Jesus was sleeping at the back of the boat with his head on a cushion. Frantically they woke him up, shouting, "Teacher, don't you even care that we are going to drown?" When he woke up, he rebuked the wind and said to the water, "Quiet down!" Suddenly the wind stopped, and there was a great calm. And he asked them, "Why are you so afraid? Do you still not have faith in me?" And they were filled with awe and said among themselves, "Who is this man, that even the wind and waves obey him?" (Mark 4:37-41)
Again this is a case of Jesus speaking to something, this time the wind and the waves.  What's interesting is that not only did the wind stop, but the waves became calm water.  If you are out on a boat in a storm and the wind stops, the waves usually take a bit of time to stop.  But here Mark records that not only did the wind immediately stop, but the Sea of Galilee became immediately calm, not even a ripple.  They obeyed the command.

"Roll the stone aside," Jesus told them. But Martha, the dead man's sister, said, "Lord, by now the smell will be terrible because he has been dead for four days."   Jesus responded, "Didn't I tell you that you will see God's glory if you believe?"  So they rolled the stone aside. Then Jesus looked up to heaven and said, "Father, thank you for hearing me.   You always hear me, but I said it out loud for the sake of all these people standing here, so they will believe you sent me." Then Jesus shouted, "Lazarus, come out!" And Lazarus came out, bound in grave clothes, his face wrapped in a head cloth. Jesus told them, "Unwrap him and let him go!" (John 11:39-44)
This story is of Jesus' close friends, Mary, Martha, and Lazarus.  He got word that Lazarus was dead but refused to go to him as soon as he got word.  When he did chose to go Jesus knew Lazarus was already dead.  By the time they got to Bethany, Lazarus had been dead for 4 days.  In Jewish thinking, it was only possible for someone to be resurrected in the first 3 days because the persons spirit would stay nearby before leaving.  Here it is the 4th day and so all hope was gone according to Jewish traditions.  We see Jesus praying to his Father, but it is not a prayer for God to raise Lazarus, instead it is a prayer of thanks that God hears him.  Then Jesus speaks to Lazarus and in effect the death that has taken him, and commands life to come back into him by telling him to come out of the tomb.  Much tot he surprise of those around, he did.

Now you may be thinking that these examples are all about Jesus.  Besides, he was the son of God.  There is good news, there are other examples that are not Jesus.  While there are quite a few, I will give you 2 other examples.

Peter and John went to the Temple one afternoon to take part in the three o'clock prayer service. As they approached the Temple, a man lame from birth was being carried in. Each day he was put beside the Temple gate, the one called the Beautiful Gate, so he could beg from the people going into the Temple. When he saw Peter and John about to enter, he asked them for some money.    Peter and John looked at him intently, and Peter said, "Look at us!" The lame man looked at them eagerly, expecting a gift. But Peter said, "I don't have any money for you. But I'll give you what I have. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up and walk!" Then Peter took the lame man by the right hand and helped him up. And as he did, the man's feet and anklebones were healed and strengthened. (Acts 3:1-7)
Here is Peter and John going to the temple, taking the same route they took when they were with Jesus.  I would venture a guess that Jesus walked by this man a few times.  But today was different.  He asked Peter and John for money.  Then they stopped and looked at him and told him to look at them,  At that moment the man's faith and expectation was raised.  He expected 'alms for the poor' but often we read stories where people expected one thing from God and instead He gave them more than they expected.  The man wasn't expecting to ever be able to walk, this was his mountain.  We see Peter and John speaking to the man, and instead of looking up to God and asking God to work in the life of this man, they spoke right to the man and his illness. They spoke to his mountain.  They told the man, in Jesus name. to get up and walk, and he did.  It wasn't a slow thing.  His mountain was immediately gone.

In Acts 16, we find another story.  This time it is Paul.

One day as we were going down to the place of prayer, we met a demon-possessed slave girl. She was a fortune-teller who earned a lot of money for her masters. She followed along behind us shouting, "These men are servants of the Most High God, and they have come to tell you how to be saved." This went on day after day until Paul got so exasperated that he turned and spoke to the demon within her. "I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her," he said. And instantly it left her. (Acts 16:16-18)
When we read this story, we may think that what the girl was doing was a good thing.  She was telling people Paul and his people where from God and how to be saved.  But the way the story was written, she was more of an annoyance and distraction than anything.  She was the person in a crowd we don't like that is constantly talking and distracting us from our purpose for being there.  Paul finally had enough and spoke to the demon and the demon left.  He didn't ask God to take care of it, he spoke to it himself in the name of Jesus. 

But these last two stories where apostles.  They had an inside track to Jesus and were able to use that tot heir advantage and the advantage of others.  But who where they BEFORE they where apostles?  They were average everyday people that we would have never heard of if they had not followed Jesus.  But if you  notice, there is similarities in all of these stories as well.  Jesus spoke with His authority to those mountains and Peter and Paul spoke in Jesus name to their mountains.  How can they do this?  The Bible tells us we are Ambassadors of the Kingdom of God and an ambassador is
an authorized representative or messenger according to Webster's Dictionary.  So if we are an ambassador, we speak as if we are the person we are representing and our words are taken as such.  Peter and Paul spoke in Jesus name and Philippians 2:9-10 says:

Because of this, God raised him up to the heights of heaven and gave him a name that is above every other name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth
Jesus name is above every other name, not just Peter, John, Paul, or Scott, or Mary, or Melissa, but every name.  The wind had a name, the waves had a name, Death has a name, lameness has a name, demons have a name, cancer has a name, everything has a name, and Jesus name is above and has authority over all of those things that have a name.  The verse in Philippians tells us that they all must bow to His name.  That means if we are an Ambassador of Jesus Christ, and we have faith, and we ask with right motives, then what we speak to must bow the knee and obey.  But these are just examples form scripture.  How can we do this today?  It can and it does.  I recently read a story written by Andrew Womack in his book "A Better Way to Pray" that illustrates what I am talking about.  I will summarize the story:  Andrew was staying a friends house while ministering in a particular city and she asked him one day if he would pray for her friend that was in major pain and he agreed.  She said "Good, she is on her way here now." When she arrived she could barely walk due to the pain and had a special device that was full of magnets that was supposed to help with the pain but did not.  After speaking tot he lady about her situation and confirming she had at least a small amount of faith, Andrew began praying by thanking God for all He had done to bring us healing and that He gave us the power to speak to our mountains.  Then he turned to the woman and said, "In the name of Jesus, pain be gone from this woman NOW!"  The woman was shocked and amazed because the pain did immediately leave.  But then she stated she still had some burning in her back and wondered why.  Andrew told her it was because he only spoke to the pain, not the burning.  He then spoke to the burning the same way he did to the pain, and the burning instantly left her.  She was overjoyed and after a conversation together, the woman stated the burning was returning.  Andrew told her that she could do what he did and speak to the burning.  She sat up straight and said "In the name of Jesus, Burning ..."  and she stopped and looked at Andrew with out finishing the command and told him the burning had once again left.  She then went back to her own church and created quite a stir and never again was burdened with pain and burning.

We have seen that Jesus, Peter, and Paul all spoke to mountains in Jesus name and saw them gone.  Then Andrew Womack, a minister who is still alive today, did the same thing. (By the way, that is just one instance from Andrew's writings).  And not only that, the woman, who's name is never mentioned did the same thing.  All of these are part of who Jesus referred to as  "if anyone says to this mountain and does not doubt."  Sometimes we may find that when we do this nothing happens.  Sometimes it takes more than one time.  Jesus himself had to pray over a man more than once to see the mountain removed.  Jesus also tells us to ask and keep on asking, to seek and keep on seeking, to knock and keep on knocking. 

Often we have a small amount of doubt when we pray and do not fully expect things to change, but Jesus promised that if we speak to the mountain as an ambassador, in Jesus Name, and we don't doubt but believe that God will do what he said, and ask with the correct motive and not out of selfishness and out of wanting people to praise you, then you too can speak to your mountain whatever it may be, we can expect an answer and expect our situation to bow before the name of Jesus. 

So in conclusion, "Have faith in God," Jesus answered.   "I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him."  (Mark 11:22-23).

Friday, August 28, 2015

Is Your Heart Seared

Recent events around the world have been appalling. I am sure we can all agree on that.  It seems as if evil is becoming more and more normal, and good gets press.  The prophet Isaiah prophesied this would happen many centuries ago in Isaiah 5:20:
"Destruction is certain for those who say that evil is good and good is evil; that dark is light and light is dark; that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter."
I recently was challenged in a sermon to see where my heart was in regards to this issue.  I was challenged to take a stand for good no matter what the culture says about it or me.  Paul also speaks about this to Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:1-2: "The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron." 
In our country there has been many videos exposing an organization for their barbaric and calloused treatment of women and their babies: aborted babies are being killed for the sake of convenience and then their body parts and organs are sold tot he highest bidder all in the name of research.  Many refuse to stand up and do or say anything for fear of how they may look.  Many people have seared consciences and/or turn a deaf ear or blind eye.  Some are thinking "I am only one voice, what can one voice accomplish?"  But there are many examples though out history where one voice made a difference and changed the course of a nation.  We may not be able to make a large statement but we can still make a statement.  It doesn't matter what or where or who you are, you can still let your voice be heard and your voice maybe the one that changes the course of history.
It is not just this issue that seems to be seared in our culture.  I watch comments posted on social media all the time on news stories or even personal comments.  Many are taking the tone of anger, hate, and indifference.  I am sure some of these comments would never be said if it was done face to face, but many are using the anonymity of social media to speak what is really in their hearts and minds. Hate is being spread around as if its a good thing.  Name calling and belittling is being thrown around in the name of saying its a good thing.  Many have not been able to sensor their thoughts and words towards others.  We now live in a time when we think it is right to speak hate and bully others because they do not believe as we do. I have been deeply disturbed by this growing trend and MUST speak out.  I do not understand why we think it is necessary to put down some ones honest thoughts just because they are different from our own.  I know God commands us to love each other but it seems that many even in the Church has taken up the hate and bullying all because the culture says its okay to do so.  The apostle John writes in 1 John 4:7-12:
"Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is born of God and knows God.  But anyone who does not love does not know God-- for God is love.   God showed how much he loved us by sending his only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him.  This is real love. It is not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.  Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other.  No one has ever seen God. But if we love each other, God lives in us, and his love has been brought to full expression through us."

This love should be extended to everyone, from the womb to the tomb.  If we truly are followers of God, then we ought to love, and sometimes that may mean standing up for issues that are wrong or to people who are perpetrating evil.

I have heard the argument that this certain organization mentioned above is doing plenty of good.  so why should we stand up against them?  Why should we defund them?  But the same could be said about the guy down the street that seduces children, or the one across town that has killed someone.  Many times when these peoples crimes come to the light we are surprised because they are so kind and gentle and do a lot of good for the community.  But does that make what they have do for good outweigh the bad?  Do not these people come under the law and are punished for their evil deeds?  Yes they are.  If you look at Hitler's Germany, he created a place that was wonderful that did much good:  no unemployment,  the economy of Germany flourished under his rule, there was no inflation of goods, health care was free to all, and crime was almost completely eliminated.  These things sound good, but the things he allowed such as the concentration camps and the medical experiments on people was over looked by many all in the name of keeping the peace.  I am sure many did not speak up out of fear of being sent to a camp.  It was as if people forgot what it was to love each other.  Few stood up and spoke out against the evil being done because good was also being done.  For many they knew of the evil but because their heart was seared, they chose not to do anything.  We are seeing the same attitude today.  We MUST stand up against evil and do what we can to stop it; whether that is making our voice heard, spreading the word, or writing those who can make a difference, or whether that is doing something that is stronger, it must be done.  Most of all, we must show the Love of God in all we do, no matter how hard it may seem to do.  We not know how, but all we need to do is ask Him and he would be more than willing to help us take the stand in a way that honors life and honors God.  Do not turn a blind eye to the hate, bullying, and evil that is taking our society by storm.  It is time we stand up and do what we can to make a change for the better, a change for God and show people how to love each other again no matter what they may believe or how they live their life or how they may respond to that love.  What I propose will not always be easy, but if we want to see change and Good to be done, then we must do what we can and stop turning a blind eye, and we must do what we can to soften our hearts again so that God's love may win.


Friday, August 14, 2015

Touched by an Angel

A few years ago, some friends of ours had moved and put some things in storage.  They had asked us to bring what was still in storage to them. We rented a U-Haul trailer and loaded it up as well as the bed of the Toyota Tundra.  It was on a long weekend and we left our house in the early evening to head out.  As we took the exit onto the freeway, I felt like something was wrong with the trailer, but I just chalked it up to being inexperienced in pulling a trailer.  We started to get up to speed.  Before we reached 'cruising speed' the trailer began to fishtail.  I did everything I knew to do and had heard I should do in a moment like this.  Nothing worked. It just got worse.  It was then that we knew we were going to roll.  My daughter was in the backseat with a large T.V. sitting beside her.  My wife started crying out the Name of Jesus because she knew of nothing else to do.  When the rolling stopped, we were facing the opposite way on our wheels, and the hood was up on the motor.  My daughter was crying in the back and my wife could not find her glasses or cell phone.  I was stunned.  We then tried to get out and the doors wouldn't budge.  We tried again and nothing happened.  We both gave up.  It was soon after that the doors suddenly sprung open on their own, without our touching them. We got out and realized the copper on the back of the truck was smashed and the trailer had rolled up the highway a little more and rolled off the road.  No one as around us so on one else was involved in the accident.  Coming right behind us was a lady who had learned first responder techniques from her EMT daughter and was helping us.  My daughter was bleeding from somewhere but we didn't know from where. The T.V. sitting beside m daughter had had a pillow on top of it so she could get it if she wanted it.  The pillow was now UNDER the T.V. and looked as if it had not moved.  (The way we rolled, it should have crushed her.)  It was a frightful sight with boxes and papers and

Soon after this a man in jeans, red shirt and baseball cap showed up and said he was an EMT and could help.  He didn't have his equipment but helped my wife with my daughter as I called 911, who was quite surprised that I was calling them after being involved in a roll over accident going approximately 60 mph.  Soon after  I made the call a police officer showed up that had happened to see the accident.  He started directing traffic and helping to organize people to help clear the debris off the road.  We were less than 5 minutes from our house. My father in law immediately drove to the scene and did what he could do too, as well as some friends who lived close tot he scene.  The man in the red shirt seemed to stick close to me and my family as we did what we needed to do.  An ambulance came and took my wife and daughter to the hospital so they could be checked out while I stayed with the truck.  Finally the man in red told me I should go to the hospital with my family but he wanted to check me out first.  He had borrowed a First responder kit from the firetruck that was there and did what needed to be done.  I was fine so he let my father in law take me to the hospital while our friends stayed to finish what needed to be done at the scene.  By this time it was dark and the police had blocked all traffic going north so the scene could be cleared.  The man in red said that now that I was on the way to the hospital, he could leave.  He took the first responder kit back to the fire crew, and walked past him.  After analyzing what had happened, we realized that was no other vehicles sitting along the road helping other than first responders.  No one saw him get into a vehicle or even lights of a vehicle turn on.  He just seemed to disappear into the darkness.  After thinking about the events of the accident, we realized that the hand of God was on us in an incredible way, and that an angel must have been there with us (the man in the red shirt).   Even though I had taken pictures of the scene, the pictures with him in them never showed his face.  He always seemed to looking away. Whether he was an angel or a person,  doesn't matter, he was sent by God and the ONLY explanation to him being there and then disappearing into the night was that he was an angel sent from God to comfort and aid us in our time of need.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Not a Loser

One night this past week, I had a dream and in it I was at a church service and there was someone talking to all the losers in the crowd.  They were asked to come up and confess to everyone how big of a loser they were.  I was one of those that was told to confess my loser status to this huge crowd.

After I woke up, I knew that no respectable preacher would do such a thing, and realized that dreams are not just God given but can come from the pit of hell.  On the surface it appeared as if it was from God, since after all it was taking place in a church service.  But most importantly, I knew that I am not a loser and the voice that tells me that I am is not from God and I too often agree with it.  But if we look at what God says about us, we will realize we are not losers.

1) Genesis 1: 26-27 says "Then God said, "Let us make people in our image, to be like ourselves. They will be masters over all life-- the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the livestock, wild animals, and small animals."  So God created people in his own image; God patterned them after himself; male and female he created them."  These verses tells us that we are created after the image of God.  So if we are truly losers, then God is too.  But we know that He is not a loser, so therefore, we are not losers either.  We may not understand what is happening to us at the moment or why we are experiencing at the moment (or for what seems like a LONG time), but we are not losers.

2) Revelation 4:11 "You are worthy, O Lord our God, to receive glory and honor and power. For you created everything, and it is for your pleasure that they exist and were created."  God begins His word by declaring we are made in His image and ends it by saying we are created for His pleasure.  The God of all the Universe, who breathes stars and created incredible galaxies, created us for His pleasure.  The God who uses Gold as paving, is not pleasuring over garbage or junk, He only pleasures over the best.  When we see people that are not very desirable to us or we consider as the bottom dregs of society, think about this.  They are not garbage, they are not losers. they are made in God's image and for His pleasure, just as you are.

3) Ephesians2:10 "For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."  So what is a masterpiece?  It is defined as "a work done with extraordinary skill;
a work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmanship,
an artist's or craftsman's best piece of work."  If we go with this definition, we see that God is the maker/artist and we are the masterpiece.  We are made with extraordinary skill, we are His best piece of work.  We may not feel like it, but we are.  A masterpiece has to be painted or chiseled, or made by whatever means and material the artist chooses, and that is God's choice, not ours.  We are His crowning piece of work.  We may not feel like it, but a masterpiece also never looks like a magnificent piece of art while the artist is still working on it.


If we compare ourselves to others, especially those we feel are what we want to be like or wish we were like, then we start feeling and believing the lie that we are less than a masterpiece, a loser.  But we are not.  We are exactly the way we are because the Great Craftsman has made us in His image, for His pleasure, and made to be a masterpiece.  So the next time you feel like telling yourself you are a loser, remember these three verses.  If you remember them, let them encourage you and help you to believe that you are NOT a loser, no matter what the enemy tries to convince you or what society or even your own perceptions try to convince you of.  God made you just the way you are for a reason and loves you with His whole being (which is quite big) and wants you to become all He has for you and most importantly, a masterpiece made in His image and for His pleasure.  In other words, YOU ARE NOT A LOSER!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Don't Let The Rabbits Distract You

Recently while working at the animal shelter, I learned a lesson that could have major implications and be of major help to many.  It was a cloudy cool morning and threatening rain.  The atmosphere had a feel of something pending, like the calm before the storm.  As I was making the morning rounds, one of the dogs started barking incessantly, and as a result all the others joined in.  Most were running around barking and looking about as if to say “What are we barking at?”  All that I did would not calm and quiet the dogs down (which is usually fairly easy to do).  I soon got distracted by all the barking and so forgot to clip the latch on one particular dog.  This dog happens to be able to flip the latch if not clipped and before long, she was running around, creating even more chaos.  My heart sank as I saw my boss come out and grab the escapee.   After she was home again, the barking continued, and neither I nor my boss could calm them for long.

As I was finishing up the rounds, I was in one particular dogs kennel and noticed a small rabbit hopping around out by the front gate.  This dog also happened to be a hunting dog and had a direct line of sight to the front gate.  It was this dog that had started the morning chaos, and caused me to be momentarily distracted.  If the escapee had gotten in with the neighbor’s dog, chances are a fight would have ensued.  I started thinking that all this happened because of one small, cute, innocent rabbit.  It caused mas chaos and much confusion among the dogs, as well as frustration and distraction on my part.  All came out okay, but could have turned out very badly all because of a little rabbit.

 Often times, we encounter circumstances that create chaos and distraction from our walk and relationship with Jesus Christ, and sometimes they are just an annoyance, other times, they lead to more distractions, and other times, lead to a major life and/or spiritual altering event.  Sometimes if we are not careful, it’s the small things that can ruin our lives.  It’s the small things that can cause us to lose focus momentarily and can create a major catastrophe, whether physical or spiritual. In Luke 10:38-42 we find this story:  “As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him.   She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he said.  But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, "Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!"  "Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."  Martha became distracted by the rabbits of working, which produced an attitude problem with her sister Mary, and with Jesus.  She became grumpy and frustrated by the preparations and creating fertile ground for sin.  She had let the rabbit of preparation distract her from the opportunity at hand.  What she was doing was necessary, but she allowed distraction to take her attitude and spirit in a bad direction.  Mary on the other hand, was taking the opportunity to sit at Jesus feet, even though she knew preparations needed to be made.  Mary had not let the rabbit get the best of her and she kept her focus on the important thing.

 We all have the potential to be distracted and not take the opportunity to sit at Jesus feet and just listen and know that there will be time for the other things.  By doing this, we can keep ourselves from a sinful attitude.  While many things may look important, sometimes the rabbit distracts us and we are focused on the wrong thing.  Mary was listening to the voice of her Master, but Martha allowed anger and bad attitude become her voice she was listening to.  So, the lesson learned is to not let the rabbit distract you into not focusing on what is most important at the moment.  Hebrews 12:1 and 2 gives us some great advice for how to handle those rabbits of sin and bad attitude: “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily hinders our progress. And let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us.  We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from start to finish.” 


Father, I pray for the reader that they will learn to recognize the rabbits that distract them and to learn to fix their eyes on Jesus.  Help them to see what is important and most needful in order to steer clear of sin and its devastating consequences.  I not only pray form the reader, but myself as well.  Help us to all to fix our eyes on you in order to not be distracted by the rabbits.


Recently I started to volunteer and work at an animal sanctuary.  The manager asked me to do morning clean up with the dogs which consists of removing food bowls from the night before, cleaning the pen from waste, toys beyond their prime, and refill the water.  Lots of detail, and many different breeds of dogs, some small, some very large.  One of the first things I noticed was the difference in how they reacted to me.  Some were ready to jump right in my lap, and others had to warm up, and others only want their morning snack.  As I got to know the dogs, I started to get to know their stories and how they came to be at the shelter.  What amazed me, is that you could not tell by looking at them which ones where abused and which were not.  They all looked healthy and ready for the day.  Some were outgoing, others where shy, or skittish.  The more I got to know them; it was difficult to tell if how they reacted to new people was because of personality, due to abuse, or due to age.  Some of the most abused dogs where actually the quickest to warm up to me.  Others were slow to allow me to even pet them or get near because of personality, and others depended on their day. 

 This reminded me of the people we come in contact with every day.  Some are quick to speak to us and are ready for any attention and love we give them; others are not whether from past experiences or their day they are having.  We cannot tell if they have suffered abuse or not.  We often get upset with people the way they interact or don’t interact with us, and maybe even wonder if it is us.  Many people are shy by nature and others because of abuse and bad experiences.  Others are naturally angry or are having a bad day.  Most of the time when we deal with others, it is not because of us they are slow to get to know or angry, or ready to receive our love and attention.  Don’t assume someone is having a rough day or are just an angry or shy person.  It may be personality, maybe due to their past, or their health.  Some need rescuing from their pain or abuse, but we can be the light of their day and help them find the rescue that only Jesus can provide for them. 

 I, for one, have realized that people are like these dogs and we cannot tell what they have or have not experienced in their life.  I will work hard to accept people the way they are and get to know them, despite of a rocky start or a great start.  I would like to encourage you to consider the people you interact with daily as well.  Do you get upset with people because they don’t respond the way you want them to? Or do you love them in spite of themselves?  If we follow the command of Jesus James wrote about in James 2:8 “Yes indeed, it is good when you truly obey our Lord's royal command found in the Scriptures: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”, then we will discover that people are often hurt by life and need to be loved.  It may be difficult to do this, but if we ask the Holy Spirit to help us in our need (Hebrews 4:16 Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.) we will come to learn how to love others despite their past or present circumstances or even their personality.  Have patience and show love despite what your emotions want to show others.  You just might be the one that provides the needed resources for them to be rescued from the pit they are in.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Peculiar People

I have often times heard people state that we are to be a peculiar people.  This comes from two verses found in the King James Version (KJV) of scripture:  “For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God, and the LORD hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself, above all the nations that are upon the earth.” (Deuteronomy 14:2) and “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9).  I have heard people joke about this.  Why does it seem funny to us?  Well for starters, in our modern day we define peculiar as “strange, unusual, odd, funny, curious, bizarre, weird.” We all can say we have met some of these people that seem to take the definition of peculiar as we mean it today.  They dress strange, talk weird, and even seem to have a strange way about them in everything they do. 

 Recently I ran across this word in a different sense and it also gave the history of the word.  It comes from a mid-15th century word meaning ‘"belonging exclusively to one person," from Latin peculiaris "of one's own (property)," from peculium "private property," literally "property in cattle" (in ancient times the most important form of property), from pecu "cattle, flock," related to pecus "cattle." The word peculiar at the time the KJV was translated did not mean what it does now.  It meant that if something was peculiar it meant it was someone else’s Private property, meant only for that person and no one else.  It is interesting that its origins came from owning cattle that at the time was the most treasured possession a person could have. 

 That being said, we are not to be strange, weird, unusual, odd.  We are to know that we are God’s special possession.  We are not like cattle are viewed now by the common person.  (Although, if you are a farmer or rancher, your cattle are special to you and of great value to you.)

 To take the meaning even further, to be peculiar is to be characteristic of, typical of, representative of,  have the characteristics of the owner or place.  Brings more meaning doesn’t it?  Not only are we special and of great value, we are to have the characteristics of the one who we are peculiar to.  We are to be like God as much as possible.  This is not unscriptural.  How many times is it said in scripture that we are to be holy because He is holy?  It is said many times.  We are to have the mind of Christ, we are to do and say the things that Jesus said and did because he only did what he saw His father do (John 5:19).

In short, I want to be peculiar to God, to recognize that I am special because I belong to him and therefore desire to become more and more like Him as I grow in my walk and faith.  I pray that you do as well. 
But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are a kingdom of priests, God's holy nation, his very own possession. This is so you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.  1 Peter 2:9 (NLT)

Friday, October 3, 2014

Carrier of His Presence

I have often heard this phrase and never thought much about it until recently.  It’s one of those phrases that can be and often is used in ways that are confusing and just to fill space or to make our conversation sound super spiritual.  But what does it mean?    Does it mean that we, as Christians must do something special in order to be a carrier of His presence?  Does it mean that only certain people can and the rest are doomed to mediocrity?  One thought that immediately comes to mind is how some people can be carriers of a sickness or disease but yet somehow never shows any symptoms of the disease.  These people often do not know it and so never know the danger they may put other people into.
 One day while thinking about this phrase, I read again for at least the 100th time if not more, this verse: "Or don't you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body" (1 Corinthians 6:19-20, NLT).  My first thought was this: when we think about a temple (and it doesn't matter what religion or denomination) what do we associate it with?  Isn't it a place where the God or god it represents has a dwelling place there, and therefore the presence of that God or god is there?  When I thought of that, it brought some clarity to my thoughts and questions regarding 'carrier of His presence.' 
 If we are truly following Jesus, then we are transformed to carry the presence of God with us where ever we go.  Will we know that we are carrying His presence with us wherever we go?  I would hope so, but we should at least be cognizant of the fact that He is near.  Just like any earthly stone and steel temple, the temple is considered to be owned by the God or god it represents.  Don't we say things like God's house and other similar statements?  
 What makes it His temple?  Is it just allowing ourselves to be inhabited by Him without changing our own thoughts and actions?  This does not seem to make sense, because when we think about a stone and steel temple, we consider it Holy and are careful how we act and what is said and done inside of it.  Certain rules are made or left unsaid that govern how we act in the place.  For example: No running, no bad language, being reverent and acting in certain ways we usually don't outside of the place.  Why do we have those rules?  Is it to make our time there miserable and just to try and impressive the God or god who resides there?  (Ok, maybe not the miserable part but we do try to make our actions impressive, but mostly to the other people that are there.) 
If we truly are the temple of the Holy Spirit, then we would want to do what the Holy Spirit would want us to do and act in ways that brings Him honor.  The verse above goes on to say that we are not our own and that we were bought with a high price, that of the death of the Son of God.  It also tells us that we must honor God with our body.  The only conclusions I can think of for that is we are to do, say, and think only what would be pleasing to the Holy Spirit.  If we don't, are we really the temple of the Holy Spirit and therefore carriers of His presence?  It seems that His presence would be diminished by going against the wishes and commands of the Holy Spirit. 
But how do we know what it is we are to do and act in order for His presence to be carried in us?  They are all found in His word, starting in Genesis 1 and ending in Revelation 22.  It’s all in there.  Will we know that we are carriers of His presence?  I would hope we will know, but when we are certain His presence resides in His temple (us), and we choose to leave Him out of the things we say and do, and we choose to go against His commands and what He has for us, His presence will diminish.  But when we spend time with Him and allow Him to clean up the temple and make the changes in us He wants, the presence will be more and more obvious, and not just to our self but to everyone we come in contact with.  Unlike those that carry a disease and may not know it, we will know that we are carriers of His presence.  But we may not know that He has left us.  Don't be like Sampson of the Old Testament and say "'I will do as before and shake myself free.' But he didn't realize the LORD had left him" (Judges 16:20). 
 Do what you have to in order to be the temple of the Holy Spirit you are called to be.  It may be awkward or painful at times, but as the verse said, you are not your own but you are bought with a price.  Protect your temple.  Let the Holy Spirit become in you a very strong presence so that the world will be changed through you.

Monday, September 29, 2014

The Importance of Bible Reading and Prayer

Not long ago I was helping my wife with a project that required using a pipe cutter.  As I was cutting the pipe my hand slipped off the handle and scraped against something on the tool.  When I looked at my wrist, I noticed a gash that was bleeding. I immediately applied pressure and cleaned it up.  When I looked closer, it looked like I had cut a major artery.  I held it closed while my wife grabbed the first aid kit and found some butterfly bandages and applied them to hold the cut together.  She then applied a dressing on top of it.  After the initial shock, I started feeling nauseous, broke out in a cold sweat, and was dizzy.  I thought I was going to faint.  While all this was happening, I suddenly remembered my military First Aid training on shock and recognized the symptoms immediately.  I didn't have to go look them up, I just remembered them and knew that's what I was experiencing. 

As I reflected back later, I thought of that verse in Luke 12:11-12: ""And when you are brought to trial in the synagogues and before rulers and authorities, don't worry about what to say in your defense, for the Holy Spirit will teach you what needs to be said even as you are standing there."
I also thought about WHY and HOW the Holy Spirit teaches us at that moment.  Could it be that the more we study God's Word and do as Psalm 119:11 say ("I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you"), and the more we pray and learn to hear His voice that gives the Holy Spirit something to start with? The more we study, and are in His presence, the more we will have the confidence that what is in our spirit and mind will be there when we need it.  Just like I knew the symptoms of shock after hearing and studying First Aid over and over many times, the more we give the Holy Spirit to start with to continue teaching us what to say and what we should know. 

There will be times in our lives when we will not have the opportunity or time to find what the Scriptures says on a certain topic, but when it is stored in memory through study and repeated reading, we will know what God's Word says and we have a place to start and a place from which the Holy Spirit can work with.  This can give us confidence in what we are saying when it starts with what we have hidden away.  Will we have to remember it before a court of law?  Hopefully not, but you never know when you will need it and need to be able to recognize the voice of the Holy Spirit and you will know it is the right thing to say for the circumstance you are in.  If you have not made it a habit if reading God's Word and talking to and listening to Him, I urge you to do so.  The sooner you start, the more you will have tucked away in your heart when it is needed.  It doesn't need to be large chunks of scripture at a time or long times of prayer at first.  Start slow and allow the Holy Spirit to grow in you a hunger and thirst for more.  Don't wait till you wished you knew it, start now.

By the way, after closer inspection of my wrist, I realized I had missed the major artery by a millimeter or two.  It was all because of my years of going over and over the First Aid and symptoms of shock that allowed me to keep calm in order to be able to focus and do what needed to be done in order to stop the bleeding.  In the same way, even when it seems 'boring' or 'tedious', continue in His Word and in prayer.  There will come a time when you will be glad you did.