Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Stepping off the Cliff

Faith is something we often do not quite

understand or wish we had more of.  My wife and I teach at a Christian school but recently we have felt that God has been asking us to leave the security of that job to step off the cliff and watch what God would do.  No job prospects, a baby on the way, and more and more people at our house needing a safe place to live.  To the natural mind leaving the security of a paid job to a place of not knowing seems crazy.  Believe me it feels crazy.  But at the same time, not following God's leading seems even crazier.  We have had many confirmations that lead us to believe that we truly are hearing God's voice in the matter.  I would venture a guess that most people would not do this.  Yesterday we talked to our principal about the reasons we were not coming back in the fall.  She has been wondering when we would break this news and how she would react because she has seen it coming as well.  Today we told the school administrator of our intentions of not coming back and why and what was next.  He was in total agreement though sad with our decision.

The pipe of blessing as seen on my walk today.
Right after that I went for my morning prayer walk along an irrigation canal.  It has always been dry with no hint of water.  Today as I walked, I saw a trickle of water coming down the canal towards me and I wondered where it was coming from.  As I rounded a corner, I came to a gate that was supposed to stop the water but it was allowing a small trickle through to the other side.  Still further around the corner I suddenly heard the sound of rushing water.  I saw a water pipe approximately 12 inches in diameter gushing water into the ditch from a well a long side the canal.  Suddenly God spoke clearly.  "Now that you have stepped off the cliff, this represents the flow of provision that I have for you.  This flow of provision is not just financial and job related but also many other things.  Not only that, the trickle coming from the other side represented the overflow to others.  Because you have been obedient, you will be taken care of from My well and be able to bless others from the trickle, which will be in a different direction from where I have called you to."

My first thought was one of awe and wonder.  Had I gone down the canal earlier I would have missed this picture.  But the fact that I saw this right after stepping off the cliff has huge spiritual meaning.  Now I can't say that I am any less anxious, but I know I can say with confidence that God will provide.  It may not be in my time, but in His time.  People will call us crazy for leaving the security of a job that supports us, but when God speaks we MUST follow.  It might not always look like the sane thing to do but it is even more insane to tell God no. 

You may be wondering why I have just told you this.  My point is that when God says go, do not hesitate.  Follow His leading and do what he says when he says it.  In this way you will receive a blessing that far outweighs the fear of stepping off that cliff.  Be brave.  Be strong. "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11).  Take that step off the cliff if that is what God is asking you to do.  Just do it, and see what God will do. 

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