Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Phoenix

Over the past few weeks and months, I have heard a lot about the mythical Phoenix, both in prophetic words spoken to me and in my own time with Jesus.  I figured there must be something to this (sometimes I am not always the brightest) so I decided to study the Phoenix and see what I might find and how it might relate to us as Christians.  What follows is the results of that study and a prophetic word for the Church.

The Phoenix was said to be a solitary creature that harmed no one or anything.  It was said to be extremely gentle.   Many Middle and Far Eastern, Mediterranean, and European cultures have a Phoenix legend.  Its colors where of varying colors, depending on the culture the legend came from.  One legend says it was a scarlet color with iridescent wings and purple feet and blue eyes.  Another says it was plum colored with scarlet back and wings had a golden head and a tail of rose and ocean blue.  Yet another describes it as royal purple with a gold head and neck.  Another name for the Phoenix is Fire Bird. 

It is said that there is only one Phoenix at any given time.  It lives anywhere from 100 to 1000 years, again depending on the culture.  At the end of its life, it builds a nest of myrrh, laudanum, cassia, and nard (all very fragrant substances) and sings a beautiful song as it burns to ashes.  Then after three days (some legends say 9) a new Phoenix is born out of the ashes of the old one.  After a few days of growth and gaining strength in its wings, the Phoenix flyies away and the cycle of growth starts all over again.

Looking first at the colors of the Phoenix, we have red/scarlet which represents the Blood of Jesus, anointing, power , prayer, and the Spirit of the Lord.  Purple represents authority, and blue represents God's Glory, purity, and the River of God.  Gold represents Holiness, tried in the fire, praise, and blessing. 

Message for the Church in America:  The Church has risen to glory and Holiness in the past but in recent years has been very ineffectual in our society and our world in general.  I see the Church resurrecting from its own ashes into a new and more powerful body that effects change on the world in a tremendous way.  The picture of the Phoenix as the Fire Bird tells me that the Church will be once again ablaze for Jesus with signs and wonders following and bringing signs and wonders and miracles that will shake the world to its core.  It will be gentle, but yet fierce in its power.  The authority it will soon have will far and above be greater than what we see right now.  It will rise with Healing in its wings (the red/scarlet of the Phoenix) and with Holiness that has not been seen in quite a while.  Wisdom will also pour forth from the Church like never before.  It will rise in power that the gates of Hell cannot stop.  At the same time, many outside the church will either be drawn to the church or repelled.  It will look wonderfully attractive to some and to others look fierce and something to stay away from.  As more and more are caught on fire, more and more signs and wonders will be noticed and great miracles will come.  This reawakening is not man's doing but God's doing.  The Phoenix (the Church) is about to rise again from its own ashes into greater state of being than any time in History.

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