Friday, March 30, 2012

Thoughts on Prayer

I know it may sound strange to see a post on prayer, but it is burning in me, so here we go.  Yesterday I was on a field trip with a bunch of kids on a school bus to a destination that was 4 hours by school bus and we had to be there at 9:00 in the morning, which meant we had to leave by 5:00, which also meant we had to be up earlier than that.  I had gotten to bed late the night before and up early.  Not a good combination. Now you might be thinking “What does this have to do with prayer?”  Bear with me.

The bus was loud as you can imagine kids would be when excited about where they are going and being on the bus.  I was exhausted to say the least and I could see I would need the rest to make it but did not see it coming anytime soon.  I placed my pillow next to the window, put my head on it and I remember saying a short prayer “Jesus, can I sleep?”  That was it.  Nothing spectacular, no thee’s and thou’s, and I wasn’t even sure how consciously I thought of it, it was just the cry of my being.  The next thing I knew, we were pulling into a rest area about half way to our destination.  The sun was up and I had just woke up from a very sound sleep and felt fully rested. It was not until later that I remembered that prayer.  When I did remember, I was excited.  God heard me.  He granted my request and did it quickly.

A couple days ago I was having drama practice after school and one of my students little sisters came to me at a break and told me she had a sore throat and a cough that was annoying her.  I think she was just telling me because that is what she does, not to ask me for anything.  As she was telling me, I heard a still small voice tell me to pray for her.  I almost dismissed it, but decided to do it (all in a matter of half a second).  I prayed for her and although she didn’t say anything, I did not hear her cough the rest of practice.

So why is prayer burning in my heart?  I will tell you.  We often think of prayer as asking God to forgive our sins or telling Him about our bad day.  Our requests are usually things we consider big:  cancer or other major sickness, finances, relationships gone sour, natural disasters, and the list goes on.  The two stories above were both considered small things.  We often think that the small things are too small or insignificant to even ask God to do anything about.  I am not sure why we do that, but we do.  Do we think God is too busy with the ‘big things’?  Do we think God only cares about the big things?  I am sure we come up with all kinds of reasons why we don’t. 

God tells us to “Pray at all times and on every occasion in the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Ephesians 6:18).  Also we are told “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand” (Philippians 4:6, 7).  No were in these passages does it say to pray only about the big things.  They tell us to pray about everything, the big and the small.  Don’t let the size of your request embarrass or intimidate you not to pray.  Just do it.  Just pray.  Our God cares enough about you to care about the small things too.  He wants; He longs to answer our cry no matter the size.  Let your prayers ascend to His throne.

When you think about you and your size in comparison to our world, and then compare our world to the size of our solar system, then to our galaxy, we look very small.  Minuscule or microscopic might be better words, but our God made us.  He cares so much for us.  Even though he holds the entire universe in the palm of his hand like we might hold a small dish, He cares for you.  So in comparison to all that, even those things we consider big things to pray about, they are still small in comparison.  Is our need for sleep any smaller than a broken heart or a major illness?  No, they are not.  Is someone’s sore throat and cough any more of a challenge than needing food or money to pay a major debt.  Again the answer is no.  God asks us to pray about everything and on every occasion.  He even asks us to pray continually (1 Thessalonians 5:17).  Don’t let the size of your request (whether big or small) intimidate you from praying.   Just do it.  You just might be surprised at what God will do for you today.

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