Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Love vs. Lust

We often hear a lot about love, but not much about lust.  Some would say there isn't much difference, but there is.  From what I have seen and experienced, they are exact opposites.  "What?" you may be saying, "I thought Love and Hate were opposites."  Let me tell you the difference.  A lustful person thinks in his or her heart "What can I gain from this for me?  What's in this for me?  Will this make me look good?  Will this be pleasurable for me?"  A person in this frame of mind does not care if their actions or attractions hurt someone else.  It is all about "ME!"   It may feel good for the moment, but later it is not only hurtful to others, but to yourself.

Now on the other hand we have love.  Love thinks about others.  It is not self-centered.  A loving person thinks "What will make this person's life better?  Will it make them look good or better?  I know it might not be enjoyable for me, but the other person will be better because of my actions."

Do you see the difference?  Lust focuses on "Me" and love focuses on others.

"So, no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I'm bankrupt without love.   Love never gives up.   Love cares more for others than for self.  Love doesn't want what it doesn't have.   Love doesn't strut,   doesn't have a swelled head,   doesn't force itself on others,   isn't always "me first,"   doesn't fly off the handle,  doesn't keep score of the sins of others,  doesn't revel when others grovel,  takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,   puts up with anything,  trusts God always,   always looks for the best,  never looks back,  but keeps going to the end" (1 Corinthians 13:3-7 from The Message ).

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