Monday, March 12, 2012

There is a Wave Coming

A few months ago, God showed me a picture of a very dry ditch. I was standing in the bottom of it. The dirt was cracked, and any vegetation was dry and dead. Then I look down the ditch, and coming hard and fast was a torrent of rushing water. Then this last Saturday, I was in the same ditch, but this time, the water was lapping around my feet. The huge torrent was still coming. It will make the dryness of the ditch look like an ocean before it is done.

I was confused at first. Usually when God shows me pictures like this I have a sense of what it means or what it is referring to. I began asking God what it means. I felt like God was saying "Wait and See." So I have waited. And now I am beginning to see and experience what His wave is. It seems to be a massive outpouring of His love and His Spirit. This will be different than anything I have experienced before. In the past, when God moved, it was not long before people (myself included) started seeking an experience over a close relationship with Him. Over last school year, that started to become the case. I watched as not only myself, but others as well, became enamored with riding the wave of God's power just because it was awesome and felt good. Then it left suddenly. And even though God was still moving, the result was the feel of a desert. I asked God why it left. The answer was twofold. First, many were seeking the experience not God Himself and so it didn't last. Second, the last wave was just a precursor of what God is wanting to do. When the next wave hits, it will make any other wave or move of God seem like a desert. This seems to accompany the picture of a spiritual storm that is gathering that I have also seen. It can only be described as the Perfect Storm. It is not dissipating, but only gathering in strength.

Get Ready! What you think about God and Revival is about to change. You will either jump in and be a part of it and experience God in a very powerful way, or you will stand off to the side and wish you were a part or make fun of it. Or you will run away and say that this cannot be God because it doesn't fit your mold. I have news for you "My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts," says the LORD. "And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine." (Isaiah 55:8, NLT).

Are you ready for His ways? Are you ready to jump in and learn who God is and go with Him? He wants you to and I truly hope you do as well.

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