Thursday, March 15, 2012


In my work as an elementary music teacher among other things I do, I was talking to one of the classes about the importance of watching me as I directed them in the songs we are learning for our next program.  I told them that no matter how well I know the songs, I read the music so that I am still doing what the music asks us to do.  I also told them that no matter how well they thought they knew the songs; they needed to watch me as I watch and read the music.  If I was reading it and directing them correctly and the made a mistake, the mistake was on them because they were not watching as closely as they should or they were distracted and watching something else or thought they knew it well enough to give their full attention.  But If I was watching the music and made a mistake, and they followed that, then the mistake was on me.  I needed to watch the music better and not be distracted.

As I was telling them this, I was reminded by the Holy Spirit of the verse from 1 Corinthians 11:1: “And you should follow my example, just as I follow Christ's.  Just as my music students should follow me as I follow the written music, we as followers of Jesus MUST find a Godly example and be disciple by them so that we can follow their example as they follow Jesus.  Also, in the same way, we need to follow the Word of God since it is written by God Himself.  In so doing, it will keep us from doing something stupid or keep us from falling into sin.  It is when we think we know God’s word too well to read it or listen to it when it is taught or preached that we make mistakes.  It was a big word of encouragement to me that I must follow Jesus no matter how well I think I know Him or His word.  I need to do this so that as others follow me, they will see how they are to follow Jesus.

Listen folks, it doesn’t matter how well you think you know stories from the Bible or how well you think you know scripture, keep your attention focused on it.  You will discover that as you read and study that you do not know as much as you think you do.  So, do not give up the reading of scripture.  Read it.  Study it.  It will keep you from making mistakes or from falling into sin or bondages that will destroy you.  In the same way, find someone that you know is following after Jesus as close as they know how, follow their example.  Become their disciple.  If you fall, it will because you allowed yourself to be distracted or because of their example.  But if you do fail, pick yourself up and get your attention back where it needs to be, focused on Jesus. 

Now I am not saying to follow a man, I am saying that the person that is following after God should be your example.  Your discipler is not perfect, only your Heavenly Father is perfect.  But at the same time your discipler has wisdom that you can learn from if they are following Jesus and studying the word of God. 

When Paul told the Corinthians to follow him as he followed Jesus, He was not saying he was perfect and sinless or arrogant.  He was saying that he was someone they could trust to follow Jesus the best he knew how. 

How do you know if a person is a good person to follow the example they are giving?  Well, what is the fruit in their life?  Is it the fruit of the Spirit? Is it in line with what you know is from God’s word?  Is it someone that others have followed and have shown good fruit as a result?  Do they point you to Jesus and His Word?  If the discipler is recognized by others as a man or woman that follows after God, then they are safe, but if other followers of Jesus have questions or doubts about him or her and you do not see the fruit of the Spirit in their life, then stay away, their example is a bad one and can lead you down the wrong path.  

Follow Jesus.  Follow the example of the men and women of God that are in your life.  Do not follow after someone that makes you feel good and does not help you break things off your life that are not pleasing to God.  Also do not be distracted by others or things that keep you from following Jesus.  If you are following a Godly example, they will teach you to follow after Jesus just like they do.  I will leave you by saying this again:  FOLLOW JESUS!  FOLLOW HIS WORD!  DO NOT ALLOW DISTRACTION TO ENTER YOUR LIFE! IF YOU FIND YOURSELF DISTACTED, GET RID OF IT AND GET YOUR EYES BACK ON JESUS!

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