Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Be Careful What You Say Before God

Have you ever said something and God took you up on what you said, whether it be in prayer or to another person?  Be careful, He just may take you up on it and it may not end up like you thought.

A few months ago I remember telling someone that I would like to have the faith of George Mueller and Smith Wigglesworth.  If you are not familiar with these gentlemen, here is a short synopsis:

George Müller, a Christian evangelist and Director of the Ashley Down orphanage in Bristol, England, cared for 10,024 orphans in his life (1805-1898).  He would often have no money or food for his orphans he was caring for.  They would often sit down to eat with no food, and would pray that God would bless their meal, and shortly after that someone would knock on his door with a basket of food, or money to go buy food, or a delivery driver would break down in front of the orphanage and instead of letting the food spoil would give it to Mueller and the orphans.  Everything he did was based on faith and asking God for the provision.

Smith Wigglesworth (1859-1947), often referred to as ‘the Apostle of Faith,’ was one of the pioneers of the Pentecostal revival that occurred a century ago.  Without human refinement and education he was able to tap into the infinite resources of God to bring divine grace to multitudes.  Thousands came to Christian faith in his meetings, hundreds were healed of serious illnesses and diseases as supernatural signs followed his ministry.  A deep intimacy with his heavenly Father and an unquestioning faith in God’s Word brought spectacular results and provided an example for all true believers of the Gospel. (smithwigglesworth.com). 

Recently I felt God had directed my wife and I to quit our teaching positions at our school with no sign of a job afterward.  My wife had recently discovered she was pregnant.  We finished our contract out and I started looking for a job, whether that be ministry, or secular, I wasn't picky.  After 2 months of coast to coast job searches and rejection letter after rejection letter and only one interview (I didn't get that job either), I started to ask God what I did wrong, or if maybe I had heard wrong about quitting our positions.  The reply back was "Remember when you said you wanted to have the faith of George Mueller and Smith Wigglesworth?"  That stopped me in my tracks.  I did remember.  I never dreamed the road would be so difficult.  Part of me wants to tell God I take it back, but another part wants to see what God has for us on this road.  It has not been easy, but we have seen God supply when we didn't see a way.  I am still looking for a job, lots of good leads, but no answer or reply from anyone.  Our car is starting to fall apart and no paychecks in the future.  Does that mean I heard wrong or spoke out of turn?  I do not believe so.  I believe God is at work but it has yet to manifest itself in the physical realm.

I said all of the above to say this.  Be careful when you say something.  God may take you up on it and when he does, it may not turn out the way you expect or picture it.  Its times like this that our faith might go through tough times.  We may be tempted to do it our way and not wait for God. You must remember  “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts." (Isaiah 55:9).

The other morning, my wife woke up before I did and spotted a full rainbow over our house.  We live in the desert and rainbows are pretty rare and a full rainbow is even rarer.  That was a sign to us that God still knows and will keep His promise.  Not only that, we have watched it rain in the valley, on the mountains, and in town for weeks, with not a drop of rain at our house.  Recently we have had not just a nice rain but a downpour.  Some might even call it a deluge.  I believe this is also a sign from God of things to come.  I am getting excited.

If you are in a tough situation and felt God has directed you to do something and as a result you have said some things, don't give up when times get hard.  Don't give in.  Don't do it your own way.  Abraham did, and he moved before God was ready.  Be careful what you say and keep your eyes focused on Jesus.  He is greater than the promises we make or the things we way.  His ways are perfect and He has plans to prosper you and not to harm you.  It may not feel like it in the moment, but be patient; God is working and waiting for the perfect time.

I have seen God prove in miraculous ways, I have seen God heal others through my prayers.  Does that make me a superhero?  I don't believe so.  I have just positioned myself to allow God to work His miracles in and through me and around me.  I challenge you to find that place as well.  God has something great for you, and the struggle right now is just the preliminary.  The Blessings of God will come in His way and in a way that makes His name famous to those around you and that has a ripple effect spreading out from you so that others may come to know His power because of your obedience. "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9).  "So be strong and take courage, all you who put your hope in the LORD!" (Psalm 31:24)

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