Saturday, October 6, 2012

God's Promises

I have a question to ask you as I start. Do you believe that when God promises something that it will be kept?  I can hear many of you saying "Well, of course He does."  But many times we do not live as if we believe it.  As with anything, the believing comes in the action not the word.  For example:  You can say all day long that you believe a chair will hold you up when you sit on it, but until you actually sit on it, you are not acting on that belief and proving to yourself and others that you believe it.

I ran into a situation recently and found myself in a rough spot.  Suddenly a verse came to mind: "When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him." (Isa. 59:19, NKJV).  I remember praying and reminding God that His word says that when the enemy comes against us, You will come against him.  I also said that I needed God to do this for me right now.  I was desperate.  As soon as I did, I felt the presence of God sweep by me and the onslaught of the enemy was gone.  My thoughts cleared up and returned to normal.  I was amazed to say the least.  I remembered thinking that "God's promises really work."  I didn't do anything special, all I did was prayed that scripture and believed and the situation was gone. 

To digress just a little, this verse in the Hebrew has no punctuation in the original writings.  All punctuation has been added later.  So, that verse can also be read this way: "When the enemy comes in, like a flood The Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him."  As I meditated on it, it seems the 'like a flood' phrase can refer to either side of the equation.  It could also be rendered: "When the enemy comes in like a flood,  like a flood The Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him."  This seems very accurate in my opinion.  And why not?  God is always able to come against the enemy with a bigger flood than the one the enemy produces.  And this thought also ran through my mind as well, if God is all powerful, just a lift of His pinkie will be enough to come against any flood the enemy can produce.

So what did I learn?  I learned that just because I can quote a scripture and tell others about it, does not mean I truly believe it until I put it into action.  That is why James says that faith without works is dead (James 2:26).  You must put action to your faith in order for it to be alive.  If you don't, it can be argued that you don't really believe it anyway.  So, all this to say, put feet to your actions so that you can be counted a person of faith.  Don't just say you believe something, action follow through with action.  Try it; you might just be surprised how willing God is to keep His promises.

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