Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Yes God DOES Keep His Promises

God's Promise Fulfilled
This blog is a follow-up to my previous blog titled "Does God Keep His Promises?"  In that blog I talked about how God promised me a son.  Well the day has come.  He is 8 days old today and is very happy and healthy.  After a bit of trouble on his birth day, he arrived healthy and squirmy.  He is a true miracle in every sense of the word.  He did not arrive easily like you would expect.  He came with some hard stressful times.  But that is usually the way God's promises are fulfilled.  I have learned that when God fulfills His promise it will happen in a way that only He could make happen, and it never happens the way you imagined it.  To sum it all up, I have put it this way:

When God makes a promise you can be sure He will come through in ways that far exceed your expectations or imaginings.

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